9 Hacks For Using Glitter

For special occasions like music festivals, glitter makeup is fun to experiment with, but it isn't easy to apply. Before applying anything to your body, test your skin's sensitivity with cosmetic-grade glitter (not craft glitter). Want to Bulk Glitter For Tumblers or Bulk Glitter Wholesale? Before you Buy Glitter In Bulk, try these hacks!

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  1. Make your finishing spray glow. Shake up your finishing spray liberally with a finely milled powder highlighter. You can use the spray to finish your look and give yourself an extra glow boost as you normally would.
  2. The base for body glitter should be petroleum jelly. For making glitter stick to your décolletage, experts say vaseline is the best product.
  3. With hairspray, you can create glitter brow gel. Grande sprays hairspray into a dish to get her glitter brows and then adds loose cosmetic-grade glitter. Next, sweep a spoolie brush through your brows to apply the glitter.
  4. The glitter will stick better if you use hair gel. Glitter artists recommend using hair gel when applying glitter to areas that come in contact with various surfaces. The gel should be spread on the area with a paintbrush (a synthetic foundation brush works too). On top of the glitter, pat it (do not stroke it) with the same brush.
  5. Make your body shimmer by mixing loose pigment and body oil. If you want a glow from within, sprinkle a little pigment into a travel bottle, whereas if you want a glow from the gods, pour a heavy amount. Make sure it's shake up well, and apply it wherever you want extra shimmer.
  6. Add sequins and jewels to eyelash glue by mixing them with water. To make heavier glitter materials stick, we also recommends using clear eyelash glue.
  7. Use cheap makeup sponges to make glitter stamps. Cosmetic Glitter Wholesale You can stamp glitter gel anywhere on your body by cutting a design out of a sponge.
  8. Jewels can be use to decorate your ears. Glitter For Crafts Wholesale When was the last time you had press-on earrings? Use also eyelash glue and crystals to make your own. Place the jewels on top of your design after dabbing a tiny amount of clear glue.
  9. Use hand sanitizer for a less sticky and permanent application. Put hand sanitizer over the skin and apply glitter while it's still wet. Glitter will adhere to your skin when it dries but won't be sticky like other adhesives.

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Environmentally Friendly Glitter

Chunky Glitter Makeup

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Read also : Glitterjc’s Quality cosmetic Glitter can enhance Beauty two times.

Add Some Sparkle to Your Life with Environmentally Friendly Glitter